
Updating our Outdoor Area!

  The Reception and Nursery team have spent some time updating our outdoor area, ensuring the children have defined areas to explore different skills.  We hope to enhance these areas further with new resources. What would your child like in our outdoor area? Please ask your child, and inform Miss McGill, Miss Pardoe or Mrs Birkin of their ideas. Thank you!

Maths- Patterns

 This week we have been working hard learning how to create or copy a pattern using a range of objects inside and outside.  Patterns play a huge role in children's understanding of numbers, recall for counting sequences and understanding number operations! They are very important!  Could you make your own pattern at home using objects? Using pasta, cultery or toys.  Take a look at our fantastic patterns!

West Yorkshire Poetry Week

  The children have loved being involved with West Yorkshire Poetry Week. This week we have immersed ourselves in different poetry and read a number of different poems every day. This week during our key worker time, we went on an Autumn walk around school, where we found lots of different items. We then sorted these autumnal items, and created our own Autumn Poem. Enjoy Robins 1 recital of our Autumn Poem below! 🍁🍂

Story time with Year 2

 This week in Reception, the children have had some special visitors from Year 2.  The Year 2 children visited Reception, and read stories which they wrote in class. The children had written different endings to familiar traditional tales. The Reception children loved listening to these stories. Thank you Sparrows class! 📚📚📚

Our learning this week…

 We have had an excellent third week in Reception. This week our story of the week has been ‘colour monster’ and next week we are following on from this with ‘the colour monster goes to school’! The children enjoyed talking about our feelings and all the different colours of the monster. This week we also started Phonics! The children did an excellent job learning our graphemes ‘S, A, T, P’. The children have began to recognise these sounds and forming them. Take a look at our fantastic learning. In Maths, we have learnt about matching objects/ pictures and sorting objects into different categories. The children were challenged to think of a range of sorting rules.  We also handed out reading books to the children to read at home. We had some very exciting children.