
Science -space

We have loved our book of the week… Suzy orbit astronaut! We have learnt about what is out of our world in space and what are astronauts. The children enjoyed creating their own rocket ships outside, pretending to be astronauts and creating their own role plays. Next week, we are learning about dinosaurs. What do you know about dinosaurs? What happened to them?   

Christmas Performance 2024

  We are really looking forward to our EYFS Christmas Performance this year.  Below are links to the songs we are going to be singing in the performance. You can play these at home to allow your child to familiarise themselves with the songs.  🎄🎅🌟 Donkey Plodding Click here to listen. No Room No Room! Click here to listen. Twinkling Stars Click here to listen. Ten Little Angels Click here to listen. Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer Click here to listen. Santa Claus is coming to town Click here to listen. We Wish you a Merry Christmas Click here to listen.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

We have been reading The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Mara Alperin during our English lessons. You can listen to the story with your child below: Click here to listen. 🐐🐐🐐

Remembrance Day - Poppy Art

 In Reception, we have been learning about Remembrance Day and why some people wear poppies.  The children have created some beautiful poppy art work to be displayed at the school entrance. Here is a link to the video we watched as a class to explain Remembrance day and the link to poppies: Poppies - CBeebies  

Diwali and Bonfire Night Celebrations

  The children have loved learning about Diwali and how people celebrate it.  We learnt about diva lamps and rangoli patterns and made our own!  Look at these wonderful creations. We have also celebrated bonfire night and learn what things people do this evening.  We discussed fireworks, toffee apples and bonfires!  The children were able to draw their own fireworks and explain the noises they made. 

English - Owl Babies

We have loved our story of the week 'Owl Babies' and learning our WOW words 'trunk, brave, swooped, hunted'. Can your child tell you what each word means?  The children have been very busy creating their own Owl babies role plays, drawing story maps, making owl puppets and drawings to name a few.  Next Friday is spooky day! During the week, we will enjoy lots of Halloween fun related activities. What will you dress up as on Friday? 

Updating our Outdoor Area!

  The Reception and Nursery team have spent some time updating our outdoor area, ensuring the children have defined areas to explore different skills.  We hope to enhance these areas further with new resources. What would your child like in our outdoor area? Please ask your child, and inform Miss McGill, Miss Pardoe or Mrs Birkin of their ideas. Thank you!