
Showing posts from March, 2023

Special Mentions

  Special Mentions This week's star of the week is: -Prisha -Eesa -Diyon -Gracie

Easter week!

 Easter week! This week the children visited the secret garden to go on an Easter egg hunt and today they went on an Easter egg hunt in the classroom! Also, this week the children made their own Easter chocolate baskets. 

Keep fit and keep warm

 Let's get moving! Here are some fun dance and movement video's to keep fit and warm today! These are some of Reception's favourites.

Oxford Owl reading

  Oxford Owl reading   Please log into your child's Oxford Owl reading account where they have been set a book to read.  Please can your child read at least one book during the snow day?

Literacy Activity

  Fun Literacy activity Go outside and can you practise writing our Phase three sounds in the snow? Can you write a word with one of these sounds in? After you go inside and get wamred up, can you draw a picture of your experince in the snow? Can you write a sentence about what you did in the snow or during your snow day? Please can you send Miss Gray and Miss Pardoe your work via EvidenceMe or bring it into school on Monday. 

Maths Activity

In Maths this week, our number of the week is 9. Can you count to 20 and exercise with Jack? Count to 20 Song Can you go on a scavenger hunt around your home or outside in the snow and find different ways to show 9? For example, pasta shapes, toys, 9 on a clock. Outside you may use sticks, twigs, rocks, leaves etc. Can you tell your grown up what two numbers make 9? Such as 8+1=9. Have a go at writing some numbers in the snow!  

Bread making!

 Bread making! This week Reception's book of the week is 'The Little Red Hen'.  Today Reception have made their own bread rolls linked to their book of the week. They even added 'Oodles' of butter just like the Little Red Hen.