
Showing posts from November, 2019

Science and colour mixing ...


Story Telling....

The children have been using the outdoor space to retell the story The  Three Little Pigs. They used a selection of resources to create each house and used vocabulary from the story. The children could retell the whole story from start to finish using actions to help them remember each part. These steps will support the children with their literacy skills as they begin to apply phonics skills. Well done Robin class.

Fantastic learning in Robin class

This week the children have been showing their love of stories by looking at books in all areas of provision. They have been applying their number knowledge in provision and are challenging themselves to make connections in their learning. The children were also fascinated by the ice that the cold weather brought this week. They explored the texture and experimented with breaking and melting the ice.

Coming up this week...

This week we will be learning the story The Three Little Pigs. As a class we will learn Talk-4-Writing actions to help us to remember and retell the story. We will also apply the phonics skills we have learnt so far in order to write simple labels for the characters and house's from the story. In Maths we will be focusing on the Number 4. We will be investigating ways in which to make 4, represent it and will be learning about halving.  In Phonics we will be learning the letters ' g' and 'o' . Click on the letters to sing the Jolly phonics songs for each. 

Maths week..

Here are some examples of the children’s learning last week during Maths week. We focused on the numbers 2 and 3 The children investigated different ways in which we could represent each number. We also looked at different Maths resources to help us solve problems such as Numicon, counters and objects.

Look at our amazing chatterboxes...

Over half term the children each decorated a box and filled it with items that are special to them. The children took turns to talk about their Chatterboxes and the other children listened carefully. The children were so proud of their homework and were eager to share it with their friends. We were very impressed with the children's speaking and listening skills and enjoyed learning new things about the children.