
Showing posts from October, 2019

Half Term Homework

Robin Class Half Term Homework Dear Parents and Carers, This half term break we would like the children to create a ‘Chatter Box’.   A Chatterbox is a small box (provided by school) in which children place some items that are important to them. The research behind a Chatterbox is that it encourages children to develop their speaking and listening skills by talking about items that are special to them. We would like the children decorate their box (e.g. using paint, colouring pencils and other craft materials). Each child should place up to 4 items in their box that are special to them. At school we will be sharing the Chatterboxes in small groups and encouraging the children to talk about their items. Here are some ideas of what your Chatterbox might contain; ·          Photograph of family ·          Photo/drawing of pet · ...

Spooky day

Robin class had a great time on our spooky non-school uniform day yesterday, they were counting spiders, making spider webs and reading spooky stories.

Coming up this week...

This week in Robin class we will be focusing on the Letters and Sounds 't' and 'p',  ask your child if they can think of words beginning with these sounds. We will also begin to blend the sounds that we have learnt into simple words. We will continue to investigate the numbers 0 and 1 in depth as well as moving on to 'another one' and begin to look at number two.

Our learning this week

This week Robin class have started to learn some phonics sounds. Ask your child if they can tell you the initial sounds in these words: Click here to sing the Jolly Phonics songs The children have also been investigating the numbers 0 and 1, and how they can be represented. We have challenged children to say about one more and one less than a given number.

Harvest Festival

For our Harvest Celebrations we are collecting for our local food bank.  We would greatly appreciated any donations of dried or tinned foods to help give back to our community.  The children have loved practicing our new song ‘Thats How A Pumpkin Grows’. Click on the link below and invite your child to sing it to you!

Story Sacks

Get involved! We hope you will love stories as much as we do in Early Years.