Half Term Homework

Robin Class Half Term Homework

Dear Parents and Carers,

This half term break we would like the children to create a ‘Chatter Box’.  A Chatterbox is a small box (provided by school) in which children place some items that are important to them. The research behind a Chatterbox is that it encourages children to develop their speaking and listening skills by talking about items that are special to them.
We would like the children decorate their box (e.g. using paint, colouring pencils and other craft materials). Each child should place up to 4 items in their box that are special to them. At school we will be sharing the Chatterboxes in small groups and encouraging the children to talk about their items.

Here are some ideas of what your Chatterbox might contain;
·         Photograph of family
·         Photo/drawing of pet
·         Special toy
·         Medals/certificates
·         Souvenir/postcard from a holiday 
(If items have great monetary or sentimental value we would prefer you to send a photograph instead).

It is important that each child brings their Chatterbox into school on Tuesday 5th November so that every child is involved in the learning.

Many thanks,

Miss Olivier and Miss Pardoe

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