Home Learning

As most of you know already, we will be posting work for you to complete daily on the blog. 

If you would like to share any work you have done, you can take a picture of your work and upload it by clicking on the link below. If you type any work on your device, you can save this and upload it in the same way. This work will be saved in a dropbox which can only be accessed and viewed by your year group teachers.

If you are in Reception use the following link:

1) You will find the links on your class blog (see above). Select the link for your class which will take you to dropbox (see photo below):

2) Click on choose files and select the document, video or photograph that you would like to upload.

3) Click open to begin uploading your file.

4) Fill in your details before clicking upload.


Can’t wait to see your home learning! Remember to fill in your details please.

Any questions please just comment below. Remember we are here to help and we will do our best to support your child's learning at home.

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